terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009


To the sunshine o'mine of my life,

My dearest friend who has been with me in all the ups and downs, the comes and goes, the rights and wrongs, of this beautiful life!

We know each each other since we knew we could go as far as our hearts could take us, and that was what? 7 years old, 8?

We both born in this charming little city in South Brazil, called Porto Alegre, Happy Port everyone. We are both Capricorn, we went to the same school, we went to the same university, we are both took Communications, she became a journalist and I took adverstising. Oh well, Famecos time is another entire blog to talk about it...
I'm here to begin a blog where we can share everything.... it was a rainny, cloudy day in San Diego and we came up with this refreshing, exciting awesome idea to blog the shit out of our hearts!!! hahahah I'll be writing in english, portuguese and most of the time in both, at the same time!!

Oh Yes, we can share everything... mostly coming from the heart to reach out for each other, to feel safe, to feel at home!!
Yes negazu, 2009 was C.r.A.Z.Y indeed. Lot's of up and downs, I would say more downs than ups... Come on, I moved in and out at least three times in Pacific Beach and again with a boyfriend that I knew it wasn't the best guy, the right one...oh well every good bye we learn... Want to know what's good about this down phases of our lives? Is that definetely we found to be the BEST person we can be, we reenergized and we focus in ourselves!!! We become stronger and wiser, we learn from our mistakes and we somehow manage to make a change. We are powerful women, damn we are!! We are our sunshine's of every single day!! I'm proud of you. I always been and I always will. You are my sunshine, my moonshine, my soulshine!!!
Song of the day is by an artist reallly amazing that I've the opportunity to go to his private concert in San Diego. But he leaves in London:
"Soulshine" by
Earl Thomas
" ohhh now people don't mind, we all feel this way sometime, we all have to let our soulshine, shine untill the brighter day..."
He has a passionate, velvety bold voice who fills our hearts by a million watts of energy!!!
Soul, rock, blues...check it out his website:

xoxo, Lu <3>

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